tuition payment

Pay tuition fees effortlessly, anytime, anywhere securely and without extra fees.

tuition payments with platnova

Tuition payment is easy

Complete your tuition fees transactions in very easy steps and secure your academic future.

Select Country

Select institute

Provide document

Select currency

Upload user information

Process transaction


With our multi-currency feature, you can pay in the currency of your choice at the best rates only.

available to over
160+ institutions

Platnova app has direct integration to major schools across the world. It's as easy as selecting the country of choice and searching for your university.


pay for

Seamlessly pay for rent and accommodations on campus with no extra charges.

Creating Happiness

We have helped hundreds of Platnovans secure their academic future through seamless global payments.

platnova tuition

send allowances
to anyone

Sending money across to your family and friends without hassles wherever they may be in the world. It is easy with Platnova app.

woman reading a book